Pump Skewer: A beautiful Talon mag fed pump action springer

This is the Pump Skewer. The Pump Skewer is a full overhaul of the Charamile Designs Skewer, turning it into an extremely smooth, very sturdy pump action blaster.

For the most up-to-date and in-depth information about the Pump Skewer, please visit the Pump Skewer GitHub repo.

Please check out the files here

And the full hardware list (all specs) here

Hardware is available from these sellers:


Fully printed/assembled blasters are available from these sellers:



Please only purchase my blasters from licensed sellers.

Unlicensed sellers have sold blasters in the past that immediately break, have inferior print quality, and often have old outdated versions of the blaster. I also do not get any income from unlicensed sellers.

I cannot help you if you bought from an unlicensed seller. I recommend that you return the product (or get your money back via other means) and purchase from a legitimate seller.

Beta Tester Thanks

Thanks to all my beta testers for their feedback while designing the Pump Skewer!

  • SuperStressed

  • BoomstickMods

  • 404 Dan

Design Lineage

As stated before, the Pump Skewer is a pump action conversion of the Skewer by Caramile Design. The Pump Skewer also uses aspects of the Talon Claw V3 by CaptainSlug, and some stock ideas I saw on the SBL by GavinFuzzy.

"Isn't this just a Talon Claw?"

No. This blaster varies greatly from the Talon Claw. It is more similar in feel to an SBL than a Talon Claw.

Compared to a Talon Claw, the blaster is shorter in overall length, has a shorter and smoother prime, better ergonomics, a smoother magwell, and a ton of small quality of life improvements.

Also, IMO, the Pump Skewer has much sleeker aesthetics.

I personally believe that this is nicer and smoother than all the other similar blasters currently out there. It might not have all the features of those other blasters, but it is a nicer blaster as a whole. I am, of course, biased ;)




